Sunday, November 19, 2017

Autumn 2017 Issue!

It's here! Grab a beer! The Autumn 2017 Edition of The Bamboozler is here just in time for Thanksgiving. Curl up with your family cats and read together about The Protomen firing tennis balls at Nazis, a memorial service for pasta, and drink cider as the local animals weigh in on the St Andrews liquor store controversy.

Happy Fall, Yal'!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Principia Discordia

Have you read the text of our Goddess, Eris? Slice up a Golden Delicious apple and peel open Principia Discordia, the original text of the Discordian Society.

Do that HERE.

Summer 2017 Edition

Folks the weather is hot, the harvest is starting to come in, the garden is green and tall and ...
also the new Bamboozler is here!

This quarter features the solar eclipse, Level 3 Bar, the return of O'Possums, bluegrass poisoning, and more!

Read the latest work of discord HERE.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

New Store Item

New to the Bamboozler store this quarter is the "I AM LORDE YA YA YA" sticker mentioned the newest edition of Murfreesboro's best and only(?) Discordian newspaper.

Get yours here, and help us buy a proper domain name!

Spring/ Early Summer Edition Available NOW!

Quarterly publication doesn't mean we can make packs of gum a quarter again, but it does mean you get a new and juicy edition of the Boro Bamboozler about every three months.

Right now is no exception! The Spring /Early Summer Edition is viewable here!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Winter 2016-2017 Issue Available Now!

The Winter 2016 - 2017 Edition of the Boro Bamboozler is here! The paper is FREE so share it with anyone you know, and those you don't know that you want to confuse very badly.

Find it HERE.

True Blue Enquiry Launched

The MTSU Philosophy Dept. today launched an enquiry into what is “True” and what is “Blue”. Can a student be both true and blue? Just blue and not true? What about truly blue, but living an un-authentic and false existential dirge of an life devoid of any qualities of “trueness”?

Can a person become so entirely True that all Falseness is repelled by them including the False and Lying Colour Blue Which Does Not Exist and Defrauds All Senses?

For all these questions, that at the time of printing do not have acceptable and scientific answers, Dr. Ron Bombardi, Head of the MTSU Philosophy Dept has insisted that Giant and Very Prominent Question Marks be added to the MTSU logo.

Gateway to Murfreesboro to Facilitate Time Travelers

Murfreesboro City Council today had an exciting announcement.
"We had been sitting on this one for a while, but we are proud to proclaim that the new Gateway to Murfreesboro, that has been under construction for quite some time will feature an off ramp for time-travelers." 
The council went on to explain, loudly in unison, that they are excited to increase tourism in our time-period as well as all others, so that so many many more can share Our Quaint Southern Town.
"This did significantly lengthen the construction time, but we do believe the wait will be worth it." 
When asked about the dangers of Time-Pirates, The Police hurriedly ushered all press from the council chambers.

Wire Guitar Man Lives

Murfreesboro residents have reported that the Wire Guitar Man, in front of the Music World and Drummer’s Den, has begun dancing, singing in long joyous chants, and telling the fortunes of those lucky enough to meet it.

The Wire Man, who is already well known as being a Pokestop on S Church St, has certainly caused quite a commotion.

Men and women have consulted the living statue for relationship advice, children have asked when they will get ice cream for dinner. When asked what this all about, the statue who could be seen shuffling a Rider-Waite Tarot Deck responded, “It’s all just about the music, man.”

Goodwill Reveals Round Up Details

Goodwill Industries of Middle TN released a statement today, under pressure from recently closing all but 6 Career Solutions Centers, to refocus just what it is they do with all that Round Up money.

Goody Goodson and Chris Fletcher, speaking jointly on behalf of the Company clarified,

“The program, while clearly not funding job programs, does however help us send live
scorpions and spiders to children in need.”

Speaking further, from the heart, they elaborated,

“Young People today often grow up without the kind of character-building that lethal poisoning can provide, and we are proud to make real difference”

Great Murfree Tree Awakens

The Great Oak Tree in Oaklands Mansion Park, that is over 150 years old, has awoken from its long slumber to choose a champion. A child of the forest has been selected, whose destiny will be to face President Donald J. Trump, holder of the Triforce of Power, in Armed Magickal Combat.

First the child, who is to be clad in green as per custom, must travel and collect three Magic Gems, then retrieve the Master Sword from Bohemian Grove, where it has been guarded for the past century by Wicked Occultists.

 If successful, the President will be Banished to the Realm of the Void for Eternity. When asked why all this had not happened sooner, because certainly straits in America and elsewhere have been dire for some time, The Great Murfree Tree commented,  "Sorry, I overslept."

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Robert Arnold Statement Regarding Changling

Former Sheriff Robert Arnold released a statement today as follows, “That isn’t me out there, it is 125% a body double from the Nega-Verse. I’m innocent.,” he went on to explain, “There’s been a terrible mistake,” and that further accused the double of being a Wicked changling before we lost his transmission from somewhere in space-time.

“Please, please, somebody help me. I don’t know where I am, PLEASE somebody get me outta here.”

were the last words recorded from our office morse-code converting seismograph, courtiously donated by the MTSU Geology Dept.

Greenway System Gains Corporate Sponsorship

Murfreesboro City Council today announced a new city-corporate sponsorship. Speaking from the Chamber of Commerce, spokesperson Amy Bryant stated that Aperture Science would be sponsoring the Greenway walking trail system that we all, “Enjoy so very much.”.

The Greenway in addition to the new trails, and connections to roadways already underway will be connected to all trails, all greenways, in all places, at all times through a complex rigging of motion detected Portals. The new improvements are expected to really drive tourism to Murfreesboro and we at the Bamboozler are sure excited about these improvements.

Wafflehouse Vandalized

The new Wafflehouse, which just opened on S Church St, Police confirm,
has been vandalized. In the brightest red like poison berries, spray paint reads, “ Bring back the dollar menu!”, and “Yal b****s too expensive!

In response to this threat, Gary Willis, store manager has installed several turrets that will fire off rounds of raw eggs at any vandalous activity.

”Nobody f***s with the Waffle House.”  Willis further clarified, “NOBODY.”

Merger Forms "Camino Realty"

In a press release jointly from Red Realty and Camino Real, it was announced today that the companies would be merging into one company, Camino Realty.

Concerned customers should be assuaged,
“Fear not,” the release stated, “now the best mortgages are available in the best of flavors and spices, while the Mexican cuisine you know and love will be available in the lowest of interest rates. All locations of Camino Real and Red Realty will converted to serve both brands of products by March 34th, this/next year.